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Breaking Through Emotional Limitations

What is reality? My Reality! - Your Reality! - True Reality!

Why can they be so contextually different based on our emotional responses and the meaning they create.  

The true nature of reality has been long debated by many great philosophers. An Idealist would probably argue that the meaning imposed onto an experienced reality or even the reality itself is created or at the very least greatly enhanced in the imagination of the observers mind. In this case it could be accepted that it's thoughts and consciousness that shape the fabric of the world that we all individually choosing to experience.

The realists on the other hand, would have us believe that reality exists independently of human cognition. How then would they know? If a realist can measure good from bad then they must have a formula or framework that defines reality? This I'm picking would have to be a complex interplay of moral judgments, philosophical beliefs, ethical principles, psychological insights, and culturally accepted parameters. So are 'they' real? Hopefully reality realises and accepts this also?

Then there is the Mystical, though best we maybe leave that for a little bit later.

It's my personal belief, to effectively engage with, understand and interact with reality, requires all of the above. Tangible physical things exist for sure without human cognition but they have no meaning. Experiences with powerful and impactful meaning also very much exist despite having no tangible physical substance.

How Well Are Your Emotional Responses And Beliefs Supporting The Reality That You Want?



Stimulant - Harm to others!

Being triggered into a state of unwarranted and inappropriate anger seems to be getting more and more common in our fast paced, impatient, intolerant and super stressed society. Whether it be ticked off, frustrated, angry, mad or enraged, this prehistoric fight response dumps chemicals into your system to fuel your body to fight for it's life. The problem is these chemicals if not burnt off through extreme exertion are toxic to your cellular health!



Depressant - Harm to self!

A human beings health and wellbeing can be linked in many ways to how happy they are. Sadness like anger can break down a person cellular health and there have been many studies that suggest some major illnesses can be attributed to. 



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Hurt And Guilt


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce ut elementum elit. Nulla pharetra sem id nisi ornare, eget porta eros vehicula. Morbi vel nisl finibus, porta lacus eget, lobortis enim. Vivamus laoreet ligula ut ipsum sagittis lobortis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam vitae enim vitae augue pretium rutrum non eget ex. Vestibulum a tellus a turpis condimentum sodales et et odio. Nam iaculis dignissim nunc ut fermentum.

How Well Are Your Emotional Responses And Beliefs Supporting The Reality That You Want?

    Brief Course Content Overview

  • What truly is reality and how people easily manage to create and wildly skew their own.

  • How being responsible is the secret to having unshakable confidence and personal power. 

  • The simple 5 step formula that when applied will make your journey to success way more predictable.

  • The true formula to manifest into your life all of the things that you want. How to create it and know it to be true and the controllable steps to make it happen.

  • The all important Life Training Systems 7 Step Q.U.A.L.I.T.Y™ Hypnotherapy Coaching Model for positive change.

  • You will learn what Conversational Hypnosis is, how it differs from conventional Hypnosis and how to easily master it? 

  • How to create powerful states of trance in as little as a minute as well as longer inductions and deepening techniques.

  • You will also be able to learn the 3 most important things to say to ensure safety and control.  

  • How to linguistically create a sanctuary and a gateway to transition through to deeper parts of the unconscious.  

  • And how to ultimately resource a client effectively in trance along with the right way to bring them out.  

  • In the second half of the training you will learn the importance of mastering language and how it is the key to creating change.

  • The power of getting and controlling the specifics. How to train your ears to truly listen for Deletions, Distortions and Generalisations

  • How to use ambiguity to your advantage to create influence through unconscious agreement with Ericksonian Hypnotic language skills.

  • And so much more!.......Sign up today and get your free PDF Guide and if you would like to find out more you can request a call with one of our trainers.. 

This (virtual) training will be live and delivered over Zoom over 5 consecutive days. The material will be recorded and all those taking part will get access to these recordings. This is your last chance in 2021 at this price as we are planning to charge £997 for this training going forward!

The Dates Are: 14th - 18th of August 2021

Only £597 Limited Spaces

Special Bonus Package!

  • Lifetime access to the Life Training Systems eNLP Practitioner Online Training. 12 Modules 69 Videos and over 16 hours worth of training. VALUE £397

  • Lifetime access to the Life Training Systems eNLP Coaching Skills diploma training. 11 Modules over 40 videos covering 6 hours worth of valuable material. VALUE £197


    Register an interest in this training by filling in your details below then simply click the yellow YES! I'm Interested button for access today! 

Becoming a certified Hypnotherapy Coach through Life Training Systems will equip you with and advanced set of coaching skills, tools and best practices that will support you on your journey to self mastery as well as becoming a catalyst for positive change in others. You will only be awarded this coveted certificate when you have demonstrated competence in the skills we will teach you. With an open mind focus, flexibility and determination your certificate will be well earned. 

Having earned and been awarded this Hypnosis certification you will know that you have at your command a set of very powerful conversational Hypnosis skills that will need to be respected and used only with the highest integrity. Because of the highly subliminal nature of tapping into a persons unconscious mind through the use of Hypnosis, Colin is very selective in who he is willing to train. Which means all places on this training are only awarded after a thorough selection process.

Discover These 7 Steps Today

The LTS Q.U.A.L.I.T.Y™ Hypnotherapy Coaching Model is designed to give you a logical 7 step system to help you to guide a client from their current stuck state all the way through to their new positive desired state. Grab this free PDF to find out how!  

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