How We Feel Makes Us See What We Hear!

As an effective coach and therapist you have to be an incredibly active and expert listener whilst being equally skilled as an artfully vague linguistic influencer!

Advanced Linguistic Influencing™ or ALI for short was born initially from Colins passion for the NLP Practioner and NLP Master Practitioner language skills. The Meta Model, Milton Model, Presuppositions and Quantum Linguistic tools and techniques.

After many years of studying, mastering and teaching these skills in the traditional NLP Training Course format, Colin realised that there was a far better and more advanced way of teaching these skills that would help students to become experts at actually applying them consistently, effectively and far more quickly!

To find out more and discover how "CLICK HERE"

BreakThrough Emotional Limitations

Having Studied Directly with the creators of Time Line Therapy™at the Tad James Company and then working for them over a couple of years in Australia, Colin has over a decade of experiencing just how powerful a technique this is when used correctly, with clients and when training students.

Source Pattern Reset™ has been designed by Colin as a stand alone complete model of therapy. Utilising his LTS 7 Step Q.U.A.L.I.T.Y™ Coaching Model In conjunction with the advanced language skills of NLP and the power of Time Line Therapy™ which in SPR is used for the emotional change work in the all important "L" for letting go 4th step of this complete coaching model. 

When traditional coaching fails, whether that be Life Coaching, Counselling, Hypnosis, NLP Coaching or even Psychology. In our experience It's more often than not because people can't see or get beyond their negative emotional associates and limitations! 

Source Pattern Reset™ as a model of coaching and therapy has built into it the clear sequential set of steps as well as all the effective tools and techniques to make creating positive and lasting emotional change possible. 

To find out all that you could be learning from this training simply "CLICK HERE"

HypnoTherapeutic Coaching - A Trance To Change

Creating a Hypnotic Trance for yourself or for others is an easy thing to be able to do, because Hypnosis is a perfectly natural state. All of us go in and out of trance in some way or another, naturally each and every day!

From simple day dreaming to being absorbed in a great book or an enthralling film. Another given is the REM state we experience when we wake up and go to sleep, which is called Hypnopompic and Hypnagogic States.

The clever and powerful bit, is the coaching bit! Knowing exactly how to guide someone into the right level of Hypnotic trance and then being able to help create positive therapeutic lasting change with them.

The Life Training Systems, HypnoTherapeutic Coaching™ program is designed to teach you all that you would need to know to be able to develop the right level of expertise to do exactly that.

The exact 7 Step Conversational Hypnosis model that we successfully use in the coaching and Hypnotherapy side of LTS, we teach to our students in our newly extended 7 Day HypnoTherapeutic Coaching™ Certification Program. 

To discover all that you can learn from this training and how you can become a fully certified Hypnotherapist in just 7 days then "CLICK HERE" to find out more.

With Life Training Systems There's A Choice Of Three Different Certifications

You can choose to become an Advanced Linguistic Influencing Coach, A Source Pattern Reset Coach, A HypnoTherapeutic Coach Or fill your coaching tool kit to the very brim by benefiting from studying, graduating and being certified in all three. Which ever fits best for you you will be fully backed knowing that you will have ongoing access to our full ongoing in-house support!

Advanced Linguistic Influencing™


Advanced Linguistic Influencing™ teaches you all of the advanced language skills of NLP and Covert Conversational Hypnosis along with the LTS 7 Step Q.U.A.L.I.T.Y Coaching Model. This format gives you the full spectrum skills which will support you in being incredibly influential and persuasive whether in a business setting as a leader or a therapeutic setting as a life coach.



Source Pattern Reset™


Source Pattern Reset™ is a stand alone, complete therapeutic process which draws on the powerful principles of Time Line Therapy™, the advanced listening and speaking language skills of NLP and puts it all together in the 7 steps system that is the LTS - Q.U.A.L.I.T.Y™ Coaching Model. Designed specifically for when a client is suffering from negative emotional associations and debilitating limitations. 


Hypno-Therapeutic Coaching™


Hypno-Therapeutic Coaching™ is a quantum leap forward from what was our very successful 5 Day Advanced Conversational Hypnotherapy Training. This training we believe is a natural step up in evolution, and because of the consistent quality of our students we knew that the benefit to those who are really serious about studying and mastering Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy that this training now has it all.


    What You Can Expect When You Choose To Study With Life Training Systems

  • Each of our trainings are a complete and advanced model of therapy in of themselves.

  • With Life Training Systems you get access to full in-house support, before, during and after the training.

  • You get access to the Life Training Systems 7 Step Q.U.A.L.I.T.Y™ Coaching Model for positive change.

  • All of Life Training Systems trainings come with a full detailed comprehensive training manual.

  • You can always be assured that your trainer will be a masterful expert in the subject being taught.

  • Life Training Systems has a comprehensive library of online training material that you get free access to.

  • All Trainings Include tools and techniques that work well for each step of the LTS Q.U.A.L.I.T.Y™ Coaching Model.

  • Once trained to can still take your skills further with additional advanced private trainings open to qualified students only.

  • In joining Life Training Systems your not just taking a training you are joining a group of like minded individuals that are out to make a positive change in the world!

Want To Discover The 7 Steps For Free?

Sign up today and get instant access to this comprehensive PDF guide that will teach you the powerful principles along with the 7 Steps that make up the incredibly effective and powerful process for therapeutic change that is the LTS - Q.U.A.L.I.T.Y™ Coaching model. Put in your details below and hit the button to get yours now!

Corporate Sales And Management Training 

Anything Less Than 100% Support is Sabotage

Nothing in this world is achieved alone! The over all predictable, sustainable growth and success of our business will be delivered by the capabilities, attitudes and engagement of our people.

The core principles of creating and leading a successful team is to first "know that you know"! Have an honest and accurate appraisal of yourself and your team members strengths, weakness, skillsets and talents.

To understand how to optimise and utilise these strengths and talents, whilst minimising and coaching them beyond their weaknesses.

And always being open to the feedback created by all of your actions! Actively listening and measuring in an interested way so as to gaining wisdom that with behavioural flexibility you are willing to apply to your next action.

To find out more about the Life Training Systems - Advanced Team Dynamics Corporate BreakThrough Program or any one of the number of Communication Skills, Sales, Management and leadership bespoke trainings that are available simply click the orange button below!

To Find Out More 'Click Here'

“The quality of a persons life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavour” ~ Vince Lombardi ~

What Our Students Are Saying

I have recently finished the 5 Day Advanced Conversational Hypnotherapy™ and Source Pattern Reset™ trainings with Colin McKay at Life Training Systems. These easy yet incredibly effective techniques that I've been taught are truly mind blowing. Colin has a tremendous amount of knowledge and wisdom to give and his support is beyond compare. I have started seeing clients and have had some amazing results. I am feeling confident knowing Colin is there to support me and I'm excited to learn even more with plans to attend Colin's Master Practitioner and ALI trainings later this year.

Chloe Lindsay

Health Professional

Colin McKay, is the best in the industry! He has a vast knowledge, expertise, and years of experience with phenomenal support for his students. His energy, time and consideration that he puts into the preparation for the education of his students and love of his craft of teaching is unmatched. Through the learning and application of Colin's teachings I have received, I have gained personal growth, wisdom and a great education in the power of linguistics. The results that I am getting from my therapy Clients and students alike have been absolutely amazing. If you are serious about investing in a high level education in NLP, Hypnotherapy and Advanced Coaching skills then Life Training Systems will have course for you!

James R. Bedwell

Business Owner

I was about to apply for an NLP Practitioner diploma with Life Training Systems when I saw an advert for the chance to train as a Conversational Hypnotherapist. After an initial telephone interview, I was accepted onto the course and I spent a few months preparing for the online course by watching and learning the NLP Practitioner diploma. Next was the live online training, together with a manual containing the Life Training Systems Advanced Conversational Hypnotherapy model and so much more. The live course was excellent, thorough and there's plenty of opportunity to ask questions. After the course you get access to recordings of the live training, together with post course support regarding the techniques and for any questions you might have when working with clients that you want advice on. Colin invests a lot of time with his teaching and his post course support with me has been fantastic. I'm constantly learning and I decided to complete the additional Source Pattern reset training with Colin a month later. It's been a busy end to last year and I now have a coaching business, I have already attracted some clients and the results I'm getting are very pleasing. I'm looking forward to completing further courses with Colin at Life Training Systems in the future. 

Chris Delaney


I have just completed my fourth awesome training experience with Colin. I start my journey with LTS many years ago with NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner, I then study with Colin again with his incredible Advanced Linguistic Influencing Training and now I have just completed this 5 Day Advanced Conversational Hypnotherapy training. Colin, as always, delivered an amazing training experience, my world has once again been changed, my mind and my view of what's possible has been expanded. These new skills have been well explained, demonstrated and practiced in a controlled environment enabling my confidence in these advanced skills to develop. I also have an ongoing corporate coaching and training relationship with Colin which allows me to learn so much more as I watch him masterfully use these techniques to great effect in a corporate environment. 

Laura Simpson

Sales Development And Training Manager

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